What We Believe In

Strategic Plan 2023


1. Human Rights:

We stand for the rights of all people and defend the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

2. Equality

We believe every individual deserves an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.

3. Equity

We recognize that each person has different circumstances. Pursuing equity means aiming for equality of outcomes and allocating the resources needed to reach this objective.

4. Diversity and Inclusion

We respect and appreciate what makes us each unique and different. We believe in equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

5. Local and Global Action

Our global commitments are grounded in local roots and leadership.

6. Feminist Principles

We place gender justice at the centre of our work and recognize how diverse systems of power, hierarchy, privilege, and vulnerability interact across social contexts.

7. The Power of Civil Society

We believe that a vibrant civil society is the cornerstone of healthy, prosperous, fair, and sustainable civilizations. Civil society is the space where people work to create change and build better societies.


In all countries where we work, civil society organizations play a critical role in the provision of basic services and champion- ing the rights and needs of marginalized groups. Yet civil society is all too often under-valued or threatened and unable to fulfill its role effectively. Cuso Internationalā€™s efforts to strengthen civil society have long been core to our development approach. Our work helps civil society organizations be recognized, increase their effectiveness in delivering programming to communities and better influence public and donor policies.


Feminism has had many faces and definitions in its history. It is more than an ideology or a range of socio-political movements. Feminism is about addressing inequality and injustice. While feminism has always championed gender equality for women and girls, its objective today goes much further to shape positive futures that uphold dignity and rights for everyone. A feminist approach offers an inclusive way to help comprehend how various systems of power, hierarchy, privilege, and vulnerability intersect. Working with feminist principles means working collaboratively and contextually to champion inclusion and equity, which transcend existing structures of power and privilege.