CLIMATE ACTION: Finding solutions together.

Lasting results require a long-term approach

For far too long the world has tried to lift others by providing resources, but resources can only go so far. At Cuso International, we believe in the long-term. Long-term partnerships. Long-term programs. Long-term results. We work on today's most important development issues by connecting marginalized groups with the skills they need to create lasting change. And we've been doing this for more than 60 years. How? Together with our partners, we are focused on efforts to advance gender equality and social inclusion, improve economic resilience, and deliver progress on climate action.

With your support, change happens

Addressing the food crisis in Peru

“Common Pots” or community kitchens have expanded across Lima, Peru, providing a unique social protection network against the escalating hunger crisis.

Providing safe, inclusive, and equitable economic growth for young women and LGBTQ2I youth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The impact adds up. Last year, 743,920 people around the world benefited from Cuso International projects and of those people, 72% were women and girls.

Here's where you come in

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Find out how we're tackling gender equality and social inclusion, economic resilience, and climate action in the most effective way.

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People helping people is the best way to address the development needs of our time. Be part of the movement making a difference.

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Invest in a more prosperous tomorrow

Your support helps more people access skills and create opportunity to end poverty and inequality. Brighter futures start with you.