BLUEPRINTS (Blueprints for Gender Equality)

Blueprints Cuso International

Since 2022, Blueprints for Gender Equality (BLUEPRINTS) has been providing technical assistance to local governments in Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines to better integrate gender equality and social inclusion into programs, policies, and services aimed at women and marginalized groups. This includes women living with disabilities, Indigenous women, women living with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ people. 

The project supports innovative mechanisms to increase citizen engagement so local governments have a better understanding of the needs, interests, perspectives, and rights of women and marginalized groups.

BLUEPRINTS also promotes coordination and collaboration between local governments across the Caribbean to share lessons learned and good practices.


Blueprints Launch

New Cuso International project supports gender equality and social inclusion for marginalized groups in the Caribbean

Together with local governments in Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Cuso International will work alongside its partners to better integrate gender equality and social inclusion in policies, programs, and services with a focus on women, persons living with disabilities and the LGBTQI+ community.  Expected outcomes include programs and services that support income generation, prevent gender-based violence and increase access to psychosocial support.

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Your support helps advance gender equality around the world and create sustainable and equitable solutions to end poverty. An inclusive future starts with you.