Our bold vision and mission

Our Vision is an equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world where all people are treated with dignity and can participate fully in society.

Our Mission is to share skills for better futures.

Our Strategic Goal is to work with our partners to address the root causes of inequality and improve the economic and social conditions of marginalized groups.

The values that drive us

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Our story

Since 1961, Cuso International has undergone a number of changes to become the organization we are today. Almost six decades on, we are still anchored by our vision to create a world where all people are able to realize their potential, develop their skills and participate fully in society. We do this by working with our organizational partners to develop and deliver programs that tackle poverty and inequality. For certain projects, we connect communities with skilled volunteers who share their knowledge to build lasting and positive change.

Cuso International was created by a group of Canadian university graduates on June 6, 1961. They had a vision of a more connected world. A world where the social constraints people are born into wouldn’t dictate the entirety of their life.

Invest in a more prosperous tomorrow

Your support helps more people access skills and create opportunity to end poverty and inequality. Brighter futures start with you.