Educational program promotes gender equality and economic resilience in Ethiopia

The only child to her single mother, Silvana Daniel, a Grade 11 student at Assosa Secondary School, has faced many challenges impacting her studies.
“It is difficult to raise a girl child while satisfying all her regular needs. The salary of civil servants like me is small. We can’t provide everything that is needed and Cuso has been a big help,” said Seble, Silvana’s mother.
Silvana is a participant in Cuso International’s U-GIRLS 2 program. The program supports students by providing school materials, including exercise books, pens, a school bag and uniform. There are also trainings, such as leadership, life skills, and reproductive health. A monthly stipend covers her transport costs and other expenses.
“She doesn’t ask me to give her money to buy sanitary pads, for transport and other needs. Silvana is even saving some money and is learning how to make substantial savings for her future needs,” said Seble.
“That has helped me not to be a burden to my mother and be financially independent,” Silvana said.
Before Silvana became a participant of the project, her average grade was between 60% and 70%. Soon after she got support from the project her average grade rose to 79.9%. She’s also a gallant leader of a girls’ club.
“Of all the support, the training is the most useful. It has changed me tremendously,” Silvana remarked. “I was told during the training that I can be what I want to be and that has helped me realize and use my maximum potential.”
The program is not just for the students. Teachers, school administrators, education officials, and family members receive training in gender equality and social inclusion.
“My mother took all the training offered to her as well. I can see what Cuso has done to my life and hers and she always encourages me to work hard,” said Silvana.
“She is now supporting me more than ever to exclusively focus on my schoolwork.”
The tutorial sessions have helped Silvana be more confident and become a confident public speaker. The support has helped her to actualize her dreams.
“I have no words to tell what Cuso’s project has done for me and others. Its support has made a significant difference in our lives,” Silvana said.