Sharing Canadian Expertise for Inclusive Development and Gender Equality (SHARE)

Women in Benin

Since 2020, SHARE has been implemented in 10 countries in Africa and Latin America: Benin, Cameroon, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Honduras, Jamaica, Nigeria, Peru, and Tanzania. 

SHARE provides targeted technical assistance to local partners, including women’s rights organizations, governments, and the private sector to:

  1. Advance gender equality and empowerment of women and marginalized groups;
  2. Increase access by women and marginalized groups to decent economic opportunities; and
  3. Strengthen networks, platforms, and associations to promote gender equality and social inclusion.

Volunteers share valuable skills and knowledge with local partners to strengthen program design, strategic planning, and advocacy. By fostering collaboration and sharing good practices, SHARE is creating sustainable and transformative change within local communities while promoting gender equality and social inclusion. Volunteers are working alongside local partners, for example, in the areas of prevention of gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and increased access to health and education services.


Jacque - Working to improve gender equality in Nigeria

Working to improve gender equality in Nigeria

In Nigeria, gender inequality remains a critical challenge. The statistics tell a sobering story of how prevalent gender-based violence is in this country of 220 million people: one-quarter of girls experience sexual violence. Nigeria has the highest number of child brides worldwide and one of the highest numbers of teenage pregnancies worldwide.  

Tech Incubator Accelerates Learning in Cameroon

Two dozen students huddle at their computers, inputting and analyzing data with a savviness that would put the average person’s tech skills to shame.

Techwomen Factory

Giving hope, one meal at a time

Luzmila lives in the hilly municipality of San Juan de Lurigancho, an extremely poor area on the outskirts of Lima, Peru that more than one million inhabitants call home.

Invest in women and girls

Your support helps advance gender equality around the world and create sustainable and equitable solutions to end poverty. An inclusive future starts with you.

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