Privacy and Legal


While Cuso International makes every effort to ensure that information on this site in relation to Cuso International and its activities is accurate and up to date, it does not accept any legal responsibility for any omissions or errors on the site unless due to its negligence or the negligence of its employees or volunteers. Cuso International makes every effort to ensure that all information on the site is accurate and safe, but cannot accept liability for any resulting injury or damage unless due to its negligence or the negligence of its employees or volunteers.

While Cuso International makes every effort to review links to external sites, it does not endorse or accept responsibility over any external sites that may be linked to or from this site.



We hope that this website provides helpful information about volunteering with Cuso International; about our programs and work worldwide; and about our ongoing campaigns to help reduce poverty, exclusion and inequality. We would like you to know that Cuso International is committed to safeguarding your privacy online.

The following questions explain how your personal information will be treated when you access a Cuso International website.



Cuso International does not capture or store personally identifying information (such as your email address, name, title or postal address) when you visit our site without your knowledge. You are always able to choose to provide such information to us.



We use cookies (text files that identify your computer to our server) and IP addresses (the domain from which you access the Internet) to indicate which pages have been accessed when. This information is collected automatically. It is not linked to any personal data, so browsing is anonymous.

Personally identifying information can only be collected on our website if you choose to provide it. This information may be in the form of, for example, online application forms, online subscriptions, membership and order forms, joining electronic mailing lists or sending us an email. Some of these may also include optional survey information.

The information you supply will be used for the purpose specifically designated (for example, responding to your request for information, processing your orders and applications, etc.) and in accordance with Cuso International’s data protection policy.

We may use your details to contact you with current and future information about our work, events, campaigns and activities, or any other features of Cuso International described on the website. However, you will always have the opportunity to opt out of receiving further information (see the ‘opt out’ section below).



When you are on the Cuso International website and are required to submit personal information, you are sharing that information with Cuso International alone, unless otherwise stated.



Unless the law requires it, Cuso International does not pass your personal data to outside organisations and/or individuals without your expressed consent. Our supporters are often happy to hear from like-minded organizations with which Cuso International occasionally shares or exchanges data. You will always have the chance to opt out of this process. Cuso International will ensure any data that is used in this way cannot be transferred without your consent.



Cuso International’s website gives users the opportunity to opt out of receiving more communications from us at the point where we request information from you. This is usually done with a tick box.

You are entitled to know about the personal information Cuso International holds about you and you also have the right to have your data updated, corrected or deleted. Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information about our supporters is important to Cuso International.



The security of your credit card details is of the utmost importance to Cuso International. We want you to have peace of mind when supplying this information to us.

Cuso International uses a high-level secure server to store your credit card details to ensure that your information stays private and confidential.



This website has links to other sites that may contain information that is useful and of interest to our readers. However, Cuso International is not responsible for the content, views or accuracy of information of these external websites.

View our Privacy Policy



Cuso International will strive to observe the law in all collection and processing of subject data and will meet any subject access request in compliance with the law. Cuso International will only use data in ways relevant to carrying out its legitimate purposes and functions as a charity in a way that is not prejudicial to the interests of individuals. Cuso International will take due care in the collection and storage of any sensitive data. Cuso International staff will do their utmost to keep all data accurate, timely and secure.

As a charity, Cuso International will share its data with staff and partners overseas, but will work to ensure that all staff understand they are required to observe data protection laws when handling data transferred overseas.

All Cuso International staff, whether permanent or temporary, and voluntary workers must be aware of the requirements of data collection laws when they collect or handle data about an individual. Cuso International staff must not disclose data except where there is subject consent or legal requirement. Data sent to outside agencies must always be protected by a written contract. All collection and processing must be done in good faith.



Cuso International works with partners on telephone fundraising campaigns to provide donors with a secure and simple way to contribute to our work. Our telefundraisers are based out of Ontario and call from one of the following numbers: 647-812-0588, 647-479-0712.



Copyright © 2012–2021 Cuso International.

Cuso retains the copyright for all text and graphics unless otherwise credited.

All rights reserved.

These pages are produced and edited by officers of Cuso International from content provided by its membership and the public.

No liability is accepted by Cuso International or its officers and employees for the consequences of any errors and omissions, or for the nature and content of this or any other linked pages.

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