Fifty-Eight years of Canadian Volunteerism in Jamaica – Jamaica Observer


A young child smiling at the camera wearing a Canada flag sticker

What is Canada’s face to the world? Hockey? Tim Hortons? Mounties? A moose?

It’s all those things, but for hundreds of millions of people in the developing world, it’s something far more significant — aid.

For many in the world’s poorer countries, the face of Canada is life-saving food, medicine, health care, shelter after a disaster, clean water, education and training and much more. Last year, Canada provided $5.6 billion of aid and Canadians donated over $1 billion to NGOs like the Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, iDE and Canadian Foodgrains Bank, all headquartered in Winnipeg.

ARTICLE: John Longhurst: Aid is the face of Canada for many in the developing world
Published: February 11, 2019