
Group photo

Fairtrade Canada held its annual Canadian Fairtrade Awards last Thursday, September 17th at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, where more than 100 fans came together to celebrate the individuals and organizations who support the development of  farmers and communities, who grow the produce and make the products that we all depend on.
Canadian Fairtrade Award Winners

A few highlights of the evening included:

Retailer of the Year: Choices Markets & Federated Co-operative Ltd.
Campus of the Year: Brock University
Town of the Year: Ville Hudson & City of Brandon
Event of the Year: Olds High, Alberta Student
Excellence in Public Outreach: Aramark Canada Ltd.
Fairtrade All Star: Robert McKinnon

Canadian Fairtrade Awards - Rob Jones

Robert Jones, a return volunteer from Tanzania, was honoured to be a member of the judging panel and found it difficult at times to choose as several applications stood out for different reasons. Cuso International congratulations all the award winners for their commitment to the social, environmental, ethical and economic impact of fair trade!