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Doc and Dialogue on Climate Justice and the Environment

Thursday, Feb 08, 2024
5:45 pm - 8:30 pm


Cuso International
Email: rsvp.tinasweeney@cusointernational.org


Centre for Social Innovation
192 Spadina Ave. Lounge, main floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 2C2

Treeline: A Story Written in Rings, is a Patagonia FilmĀ that embraces skiers, snowboarders, scientists and healers to the birch forests of Japan, the red cedars of British Columbia and the bristlecones of Nevada. Everyone is welcome, after the film we will hold space to explore how we are feeling, what we have learnt and what is ignited in us as global citizens. This is a brilliant film aimed to connect us through visuals, music and solidarity for climate justice.

  • Please register
  • Snack table pizza, popcorn and drinks
  • 40 minute film followed by a dialogue facilitated by Cuso International and VIDEA
  • We kindly ask that you stay at home if you are feeling unwell.
  • We celebrate masks, although they are optional.