Cuso in Peru: supporting women through the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday, Jun 18, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Cuso International
Phone: 647-478-4089 x 204
Email: tina.sweeney@cusointernational.org
Website: https://cusointernational.org/
Centre for Social Innovation
192 Spadina Ave. Lounge, main floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 2C2
The world is dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. And as bad as it is in North America, it’s hitting the developing world even harder. Cases of gender-based violence have increased exponentially in Peru as the country remains under a government-enforced quarantine to stop the spread of COVID-19. Hear how Cuso International’s Women’s Voice and Leadership project, Fast Responsive Funds are being used to provide safe shelter, support and financial aid to women and girls experiencing violence and abuse.
You are invited to join a virtual discussion with our program experts in Peru during a one-hour Town Hall on Thursday, June 18, beginning at noon. Hear how Cuso is managing through this current pandemic and the impact of our work to date. For nearly 60 years, Cuso has connected communities around the world with skilled Canadians to help end poverty and inequality and build opportunity. And we aren’t stopping now.